Recently I made an amazing discovery (realization actually).
You every wonder where all your time goes? Why you have things you'd like to get done but don't? I wonder those things now and then.
A little over a week ago we had tremendous storms blow through our town. Rain, winds, thunder and lighting. Seems our computer got fried! My whole family was concerned...what would we do without the computer?
Well its been over a week now. No computer....borrowing a few minutes on someone else's now and then to check email and things has been the modus operandi. (sp?) And you know what, I've been getting most of my online business work done, with so much on auto-pilot. Haven't been posting to the blog. But I've made an amazing discovery...I've found alot of lost time.
Seems that the little box with the tv on top has been eating away at my time. I normally feel like I'm squeezing a few minutes in here and there on the computer in the mornings or evenings when I get home from my day job. Now that the computer is down, when I do get a few minutes on some one's I'm only doing what's essential. I'm not reading unnecessary emails, clicking interesting looking web links, etc...... And I have more
The moral of this is.....are you losing time too? Perhaps a little reflecting on where your time is going would be worthwhile. I know it's worked for me.
My new plan, get focused on what I need and want to get done on it, then get back to the other parts of my life. My wife, my kids, my friends, my house, my boat, golf.....
Have a great day.
Steve Peck
Where Is All Your Time Going?
Posted by
Steve Peck
6:26 AM
Internet Success is A Marathon Not A Sprint
Listening to one of my favorite audios in the car earlier this week, he reminded me of a very important business fact. It applies doubly to online business and internet success.
What he said was that success is a marathon and not a sprint.
We all know this, but sometimes it's important to remind ourselves and really take it to heart. In today’s fast paced world of instant gratification and immediate feedback.
We want everything right now. Just look at video games, movies "on demand", and online anything. Instant gratification is the name of the game and the marketers know it. With the internet, they'll even deliver anything they can instantly. (ebooks, movies, and special access areas.)
We are bombarded by messages that tell use that this or that is the instant solution to whatever problem we need solved. Why? IT WORKS!!! We are called to action, and we take it with our plastic card or paypal account.
As sellers, we can use this to our advantage, but when buying we must realize that no matter what we're being told their will be WORK involved.
I've bought and tried just about anything and everything online that promises to help me make money quickly and guess what? Mostly it's good information, but none of it has lead to instant wealth in my life. The experiences gained while trying all these different things has given me a hard earned education. Actually it is this experience over time along with the information that turns into revenue.
We all know if you treat your business like a sprint and jump into every business opportunity thinking that if you just get in early and push hard that money will fall in your lap, you'll fail every single time. Rather real success online or with network marketing comes from consistent and persistent focused effort aimed towards your ONE goal! A goal that is different for each of us.
For instance, Internet network marketing is my chosen niche for a reason. I love the speed of results that can be created in an online world, but I equally love the security and financial freedom that a strong and thriving network marketing organization affords.
I know that if I can master both internet and network marketing that I will be able to grow a large thriving network marketing organization FASTER than if I do it solely offline. (I've done the off line thing for a long time.)
Even at this, I know that it's a marathon and not a sprint.
So stop and ask yourself right now . . . Are you committed enough to your business and your future that you would devote the next 3 to 5 years of your life to it to see big results? To achieve internet success.
Network marketing can give you more freedom in your life than you can ever imagine if you just approach it as a marathon and not a sprint. The dream is true and its there if you want it. You have to give your time and your passion to your business and your organization.
Rome was not built in a day and neither will your network marketing financially free lifestyle no matter what THEY say! Remember it is a marathon not a sprint.
Steve Peck
Tried Network Marketing before and failed? It's not your fault. Let this rookie "unknown" marketer show you how he embarrassed the "gurus" by placing over 4,120 people in his downline in 14 short months, while pocketing over half-a-million dollars. Now he has honed his SYSTEM into an idiot-proof step-by-step can't fail, never-cold-call-again recruiting machine on steroids! He'll even PAY YOU to check
it out. ==>
Posted by
Steve Peck
8:52 AM
Labels: financial freedom, Internet network marketing, internet success, network marketing
Why Punish Yourself For The Faults of Someone Else?
"Why Punish Yourself For The Faults of Someone Else?" What a great question to ask yourself when you're mad or feeling upset with someone.
I heard this the other night at a "Tea Party" given be the Tzu Chi Foundation. ( One of my daughters was in a group receiving scholarship awards from this group and my wife & I were there as guests. It was a wonderful event put on by a gracious and caring group of people.
After the ceremony, there was a chance to mingle with the Tzu Chi members. One of the women members was telling me about the founder, Cheng Yen who started the organization in Taiwan over 40 years ago. It was Cheng Yen who asked the question "Why Punish Yourself.....". It really struck me.
I had to stop and wonder, where has being mad or upset taken me off task or made me less effective. Many times we all let others effect us in negative ways. This simple question shifts the perspective all around. So Simple yet So Powerful.
Have a great day,
Steve Peck
Posted by
Steve Peck
8:57 AM
When Should You Give Up, Some Thoughts
The other day I as watching a baseball game, 15 and 16 year old boys. In the 2nd inning one of the teams had a rally and got 5 runs in. (It was my son's team so I was happy) But I over heard a couple of dads comment that "here we go again, its over now!"
Wow, giving up already and there were still at least 4 innings left. It just made me wonder....where do I do this in my life? Is there someplace where this is my reaction and I don't even know it?
As I thought more about it, it was clearly an area worthy of some reflection and inquiry. Was there, or maybe there always is, someplace I was accepting defeat unknowingly. Was it in my personal life, my business.....hmmm.
I've been reflecting on this for the last several days...and then I noticed I hadn't even made this note to my blog which was part of my initial thought. Now what does that say......?
Are there area's of your life or business where you could be giving in or giving up without knowing it? Here are some resources to help with your inquiry from one of guru to the personal development gurus, Jim Rohn. Click Here.
Please feel free to post your thoughts here on this blog...
Heres to your online success,
Steve Peck
Some other resources:
It�s the book that�s changed the life of millions. Download a FREE eBook of James Allen�s "As A Man Thinketh."
Download a FREE MP3 audio message from the Masters of
personal growth. Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, more.
Click Here
Posted by
Steve Peck
3:03 PM