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It Takes Courage

Came across this in my email on Friday. IA nice short poem that seems to say al ot to me so I thought I'd share it with everyone.

It Takes Courage
Author Unknown

It takes strength to be firm,
It takes courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to conquer,
It takes courage to surrender.

It takes strength to be certain,
It takes courage to have doubt.

It takes strength to fit in,
It takes courage to stand out.

It takes strength to feel a friend's pain,
It takes courage to feel your own pain.

It takes strength to endure abuse,
It takes courage to stop it.

It takes strength to stand alone,
It takes courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to love,
It takes courage to be loved.

It takes strength to survive,
It takes courage to live.

This leaves us all with the question,

Do you have the courage to live?

Have you been settling in your life?
Have you been putting off making the changes you know you need to make?
Are you ready to make those changes?

I know I sure was.

Steve Peck
If you've been looking for a no hype way of building an internet business check out the link below. Before I found this I was bouncing from idea to idea. Internet MLM Success and the Power Prospecting System offered me clear training to market on the internet. Training that can be used for any business you are trying to market.


What's the deal with Downline Secrets 2?

If you haven't heard yet... James Grandstaff has released "Part 2" of his "Downline Secrets."

Before I get to my review, I thought I should play a little catch-up in case you have no clue as to what Downline Secrets "Part 1" is about.

Basically with Downline Secrets part 1 you get free access to a recorded call between Mike Filsaime and James Grandstaff. Mike asks James questions about the success he had using (a free advertising resource) to grow his downline.

You get access to the MP3 and PDF transcript of the call (which is nice because I don't always like to sit in front of my PC to read or listen to content.)

During the call James reveals how he used his free Instant Buzz traffic along with his (now proven) 3 step strategy to explode his downline into the thousands on complete auto pilot.

The cool part is he did it while maintaining his full time job as a PC support technician in Michigan.

And from there you have the opportunity to buy the same software that James developed to grow his downline and use it to grow your downline in any program you happen to be involved in.

So all-in-all is a great site and offers a lot of great info for free on how to build your downline using the web.

What makes Downline Secrets "Part 2" so much better is that it takes over where Downline Secrets 1 left off.

What I mean is this...

With Downline Secrets 1 you were left to figure out all the technical stuff in order to duplicate James' results for your MLM business. The software and detailed videos are fantastic but you still have to come up with the web copy, the hosting, the HTML page design and so on... The yucky stuff.

Let's just say his target market is much smaller because if you don't have the much needed technical skills or the money to hire those with the skills, you are pretty much out of luck and can't fully benefit from the entire system he is teaching.

This time around you get access to a call between James Grandstaff and Chris Zavadowski
who is also very successful in the MLM scene. He grills James for over an hour and gets all the must know secrets out of him.

The system James is offering this time is over the top! He covers all the technical stuff for us this time and everything is completely set-up. All the technical issues have been removed. This is great because more people can now truly benefit from his teachings and proven system.

Now, I want to let you in on something...

Once you register for the call below you will see an offer for James' Elite upgrade membership. All I can say is ==> TAKE IT!

It's only $47 bucks and for what you get it's simply mind blowing!

In a nut shell... he's offering you a professional designed lead capture page that gives away a customized version of his new manuscript called 'How to Get Rich Building a LAZY Downline!'

This PDF is first customized with your affiliate links to several "generic" MLM training resources. As you give this thing away you will earn commissions from those you refer who upgrade in any of the programs.

And since they're all MLM related, the conversion rates should be extremely high!

All you do is simply advertise the lead capture page via the special link you get and James' software sends an email to your prospects (with a link to your customized PDF)

Everything is on auto-pilot!

Oh, and don't worry, the traffic aspect is even handled for you. Be sure to check out the bonus that's included :-)

See, I told you this thing was awesome.

As you can see, I'm totally excited about this because it's refreshing to see a great product come along that is truly capable of changing the lives of others.

So yes, Downline Secrets 2 gets my highest recommendation!

Sign up below and buy everything ;)

Here's the link:

Take care of your business and yourself :-)

To The Top.
Steve Peck

The Inside Secret to Why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work!

Some people believe that network marketing really doesn't work. To put it lightly, they're WRONG. I am going to take the next few minutes to explain to you why network marketing will always work so that the next time someone takes the time to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you explain to them how misinformed they truly are.

Here is why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work:

Even in a strong economy people will ALWAYS need supplemental income:

The truth is most people live pay check to pay check. They aren't able to buy the nice things that they want for themselves and their families. There is and will always be a constant DEMAND for more money. Network marketing is a simple, part time and low risk way for full time workers to fill this need. To put it simply, as long as people need money network marketing will ALWAYS be there to fill that need.

People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they don't enjoy:

Despite what you may think, there are people out there that truly don't enjoy their job. They go to work because they have to and not because they want to. Network marketing
offers a promise of true financial freedom. The ability to leave the 9 to 5 working world. This freedom will ALWAYS be to tempting to pass up.

People will ALWAYS want more free time to do with as they please:

Did you know in a past poll conducted by Money magazine that 64% of American men and 68% of American women polled said that if they had a choice between more money and more time
off they would choose the time? People covet their free time. Network marketing offers the promise of working from home and making your own hours. Again, the opportunity to
create free time will ALWAYS draw people to network marketing.


If growing a network marketing business without picking
up the phone and recruiting people across the globe sounds
like a plan for you and your business's future - Here's my
proven path to true independence that to this day I continue
to walk. Make it yours . . .



As long as people crave time, moeny and freedom network marketing will ALWAYS exist.

The next time that someone tries to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you know that they couldn't be more wrong.

All you have to is ask your accuser 1 of 3 questions:

Do you want more money?
Do you want freedom from your job?
Do you want more time?

I guarantee they will answer yes to one of these questions. When they do they will have proved exactly why network marketing will always work!

THE DIRTY TRUTH ABOUT NETWORK MARKETING That You Must Know and Understand If You Ever Want to Succeed

Here it is:

On the surface, network marketing companies appear to be thriving communities of consuming customers all happy with the product that they are consuming and they really are, but what drives that community of thriving consumers has absolutely nothing to do with the product itself.

Let's think about this for a minute........

Let me ask you a question:

Why did you decide to get started in a network marketing business?

You don't have to say anything out loud but answer this question in your head right now to yourself.

I guarantee you answer is somewhere along these lines "Well, I started my business because I wanted to make some extra money and who knows maybe even become financially free."

Am I right?

Well let me ask you another question now.

When you prospect and talk to leads about your business what do you talk to them about?

Most likely you try to stick to the corporate script which inevitable ends up with your prospect asking you questions about your network marketing company's products or services.

And by the end of the conversation you've lost control of the call and both you and your prospect end up confused (usually get somewhere between details about your companies product or service and the compensation plan).

You get of the phone and hope that my some grace of god your prospect you paid $5 to confuse will decided to join your business.

Likely story!

Here's why:

Successful Network Marketing has NOTHING to do with selling your prospect on your product at ALL!

To the contrary, the only thing that you should EVER talk to your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on your companies business . . . More Money and Financial Freedom!

You see network marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams and honestly, if you're looking for business builders to recruit into your organization your prospects hopes and dreams of financial success are the only thing that you should speak to them about, so they can sell themselves on it.

As an illustration of this principle think about the situation this way, if you had equal amounts of your company's product in one hand and money in the other which do you think your prospect would choose?

The top money earners know the answer to that question and that's how why make all there money!

Here's the other shift in perspective that you're going to have to make if you want to have ultimate success with your business and it's simply a logical continuation on the point just discussed.

What you think of as your company's product is NOT its real product at ALL!

Do you think your network marketing company's product is its moon juice or long distance service?

If you do you're very wrong.

Continuing on from my last point, remember your network marketing business will not grow if you just push product. It will only grow if you sell people on their financial dreams.

So if you think about it, your company's real product is it's sales training and marketing system. The better your company's marketing system is able to help you generate sales the better any more quickly you will be able to reap the financial benefits of your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you'll want your downline to do all the work so you don't have to.

The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the stronger the training your company provides the easier your system will duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its most simple form, your company's real product is its duplicability.

If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you can have your prospect "sell themselves" on their financial dreams you will have a highly successful network marketing business.

Your Job is Simple:

Find people that want to attain financial freedom your way and then shorten their learning curve so that they can go out and do the same.


Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forgeteverything you've ever been taught about building a solid income in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Click the Link Below Now to Find Additional Information.


Remember, success in this business is simple:

Recruit prospects to the Power Prospecting System by getting as much targeted traffic to your Get Net MLM Pofits lead capture page on a consistent basis.

Then introduce those Power Prospecting leads - which are already predisposed to your message on network marketing - to your Network Marketing company lead capture page.

I highly recommend joining Success University and forwarding your leads to the highest converting Network Marketing company on the planet:

Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly can and the rest will take care of itself.

How do you get target traffic to your lead capture pages?

Check out the Internet MLM Success resource available in the Power Prospecting System for all the answers.
(there is a special deal on this ebook at the end this message)

There are 2 things that can keep us from success in Network Marketing:

They are money and leads.....

Don't worry, the Power Prospecting System has taken care of all of that.

To the top,

Steve Peck

Success University Sponsor

Power Prospecting System

If you have any questions, please let me know, I am devoted to your success.

phone: 724-846-5155

P.S. Special Deal:
All members of my Success University team will receive the "Internet MLM Success Online" ebook FREE of charge. After you join Success University, even for the free 14 day trial, send an email to: with the subject line, "I'm ready for my MLM Success ebook" and include your full name and email address, and I will email the ebook to you so you can quickly get on the road to profits.

I'll teach you everything I know to put you on the fast track to profits, even during your trial period. Join the business that has changed my life, Success University:


To receive this regular marketing update to ensure your competitive advantage in Internet marketing, become a member of my Power Prospecting System team.


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