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5 Steps to Destroy Fear & Build Confidence in Your Life

Recently while reading through "The Magic of Thinking Big", I found these five little steps anyone could do to gain more confidence in their life and destroy fear. It was so powerful, and yet so simple!

We all face time that more confidence would make the difference between having what you want and not having it. It may show up for you as fear, or simple lack of action. Its that thing you know you should do but are stopped for some reason.

Here are 5 Steps and Practices that will work for you -

1. Action cures fear. Isolate your fear and then take constructive action. Inaction--doing nothing about a situation strengthens fear and destroys confidence. Pick one thing you are putting off or avoiding, where you know fear has a grip and take at least one action today.

2. Make a supreme effort to put only positive thoughts in your memory bank. Don't let negative, self deprecatory thoughts grow into mental monsters. Simply refuse to recall unpleasant events or situations. Pick a positive experience from your life (search for it if you have to), one where you felt good. Stop and think about it, relive it in your mind, recall every detail….dwell in it.

3. Put people in proper perspective. Remember people are more alike, much more alike than they are different. Get a balanced view of the other fellow. He is just another human being. And develop an understanding attitude. Many people will bark but it's a rare one who bites.

4. Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right. This prevents a poisonous guilt complex from developing. Doing what's right is a very practical rule for success.

5. Make everything about you say, I'm confident really confident. Practice these little techniques in your day to day activities. Try them and see they make a difference for you.

a. Be a front seater – in church, school or next meeting

b. Make eye contact – look people in the eye.

c. Walk 24 percent faster – you may be supprised.

d. Speak up – make it a point to say something constructive or ask a question.

e. Smile big - it makes a difference.

Make a commitment to put these steps into practice. Please let me know how it goes. (remember 5-d above!!)

Here's every tool you'll need to Conquer Fear in your life.... click here.

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